Life is choices we make between B and D. B stand for Birth and D stand for Death.
Every single day we make #choices...and these choices determine our reality.
We can’t change choices we have made in past... we can re-frame them if they are memories with negative emotions into valuable lessons, have as reminders to choose differently the next time or simply accept the choices we have made in past that brought us here where we are now.
But when we look ahead - oh my! There are so many different paths we can choose! We can change our lives completely if we want to and if we make choices that will create different reality for us.
However subconsciously we always choose the “safe option” - something that we know, have tried before, because we can predict the result and predictable result is always safer than the unknown - at least to our subconscious mind...but it doesn’t really change our life path much.
To experience different reality - we need to make different choices. Consciously. We need to experiment, try new things.
And to feel more safe about it - study people who have already achieved what you want, see what choices they have made to generate the results in life. Because if they have achieved it - probably they have done something right...and that includes also having the right #mindset that has supported them in their path.
Photo:Corporate Rebels
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